3D Modelling Tutorials

3D Modelling & Animation

Survival Guide

item bar thumnail Getting Started Using the Item Bar

Constructing a model from importing pre-set items is a fun easy way to get started using Seamless3d.

Creating an Animated Character Step by Step Using Free Open Source Software Creating an Animated Character Step by Step Using Free Open Source Software

Starts with modelling the character from a box and ends with a fully animated jumping character. Teaches the essentials to create high quality nurbs animations. If you can find time to draw with a pencil or learn to play a musical instrument, you can find the time to make worthwhile animations without restrictions on your artistic freedom.

Creating an Animated Character Step by Step Using Free Open Source Software Creating an Animated Character Play-List

Additional tutorials that follow on from Creating an Animated Character.

Shows different options.

New tutorials still being added.

>Making 3D Animated Movies with Free Open Source Seamless3d, FFmpeg & Povray Making 3D Animated Movies with Free Open Source Seamless3d, FFmpeg & Povray

How to ray-trace an animation and create an MP4 movie file suitable for uploading to Youtube.

Modelling a Human Head Step by Step Using Free Open
            Source Software Seamless3d 3 Modelling a Human Head Step by Step Using Free Open Source Software Seamless3d 3

Modelling Hands Step by Step Using Free Open Source
            Software Seamless3d 3 Modelling Hands Step by Step
For this tutorial you need Seamless3d 3.002 or up.

Sparking Creativity in 3D Head Modelling Sparking Creativity in 3D Head Modelling
Thyme's experience and tips regarding head modelling.

sketching with nurbs lines Sketching with nurbs lines
We can quickly sketch the essential defining lines of a character using nurbs lines and use nurbs lines to guide a 3d model. You need Seamless3d 3.004 or up.

The 9 Main Modes
The 9 main modes Seamless3d can be used in.

Written for Seamless3d 3.007

Creating Land for a Scene

Exporting, Importing and Duplicating Patches & Models
How patches can be duplicated, exported, and imported into models or as a separate model into the scene.

Written for Seamless3d 3.007

Nodes & the Scene Tree Window
An artists does not need to know anything about nodes and how to edit them using the scene tree window to make great works of art however the scene tree window can be very useful even with a minimalist understanding of nodes.

Written for Seamless3d 3.007

The Grid & Snapping Points
Snapping control points to the grid can greatly assist making man made objects such as buildings and machines.

Written for Seamless3d 3.007

Mirrored & Non Mirrored Patches
It is easy to make a model completely mirrored or completely non mirrored without paying much attention to how mirrored or non mirrored patches behave but when we want a model to contain both mirrored and non mirrored patches we need to take greater care.

Written for Seamless3d 3.007

stitching nurbs patches Stitching Nurbs Patches
Learning how to stitch patches can unleash a lot of power. Stitching lets the artist do things like transplant a head from one body to another or transplant just one part of a face such as the nose or mouth from one head to another. Stitching also allows for more complex structures to be made which can be useful for making something like a realistic ear.

Written for Seamless3d 3.007

            patch Radical Patch
For advanced users.
You need Seamless3d 3.004 or up.

            patch Smoothing a surface using a smoothing patch.
As a result of inserting control lines where we want more detail, we may end up with more control lines than we want in other areas. This tutorial shows how to smooth such areas using a smoothing patch.
You need Seamless3d 3.004 or up.
For advanced users.

What happened to all the old tutorials? Because Seamless3d 3 has just been released, all of the old tutorials for Seamless3d 2 are now out of date and so new tutorials are being written, so please check back for more updates.

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