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2024 June 14

New Seamless3d 3.032 makes it Super Easy to get started modelling organic animated characters. See the video on YouTube.

version 3.032 makes it super easy

2024 April 30

New tutorial in the create an animated character series: Modelling a Simple Nose for Our 3D Animated Character. See the video on YouTube.

modelling simple nose tutorial

2024 April 15

New Seamless3d version 3.031: Creates Seamless3d folder in Documents folder if it has write permissions. Download.

See more news

Artistic Freedom Made Easy:

Seamless3d is now one of the easiest 3D modelling & animation programs that offers artistic freedom.

Voxel style house with organic character and plants

Designed by an Artist, for Artists Seamless3d is free open-source software. I, Thyme, the creator of Seamless3D, use it every day to make art.

Lucy with a pearl earring

Learn with Ease:

New tutorials are uploaded on a regular basis. From years of experience, I’ve learned how to keep models simple and fun to make and animate. If there is anything you are unable to understand following any of my tutorials, leave a comment on Youtube or the forum and I will get back to you with a reply.

Explore Different Styles:

Seamless3d is capable of creating a wide range of styles.

different styles

Item Bar:

Easily create scenes using Seamless3d’s intuitive item bar.

item bar

NURBS Oriented Modeller:

Seamless3d is a NURBS-oriented modeller. Thanks to its auto-stitching feature, you don’t need to know what NURBS are to create complex organic shapes.


Upcoming Features:

New features are being developed to make it easy to create railway tracks using NURBS curves and animate trains, on the tracks.

george stephenson rocket train

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