Seamless3d News:

2024 June 14

New Seamless3d 3.032 makes it Super Easy to get started modelling organic animated characters. See the video on YouTube.

version 3.032 makes it super easy

2024 April 30

New tutorial in the create an animated character series: Modelling a Simple Nose for Our 3D Animated Character. See the video on YouTube.

modelling simple nose tutorial

2024 April 15

New Seamless3d version 3.031: Creates Seamless3d folder in Documents folder if it has write permissions. Download.

2024 April 13

Free Seamless3d digitally signed now available on the Microsoft Store.

2024 March 29

New tutorial in the create an animated character series: Gain More Artistic Control Over Our 3D Animated Character's Face by Inserting Extra Lines. See the video on YouTube.

gain artistic control tutorial

2024 February 2

New tutorial in the create an animated character series: Modelling Clothes for Our 3D Animated Character. See the video on YouTube.


2024 January 4

New tutorial in the create an animated character series: Adjusting the Proportions of our Animated Character Using the Freeze to Pose Model feature. See the video on YouTube.


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